陈卫东,硕士,副教授。本科毕业于武汉大学英语系,硕士毕业于湖北大学云顶国际英语教育学专业。2003年,曾赴University of Duran (英国达勒姆大学)短期进修。 研究方向:大学英语演讲和英语词汇学。出版词典一本,发表论文八篇。讲授本科生大学英语。
Chen Weidong, Master of Pedagogy, Associate Professor; with a B A from Wuhan University, Master’s Degree from Hubei University; Further study in University of Duran College of Great Britain in 2003; Research fields include College English Speech and lexicology; Publications include 1 dictionary and 8 research papers; Responsible for College English for undergraduates.