刘珊, 硕士,副教授, 硕士研究生导师,大学英语第二教研室主任。本科硕士均毕业于中国地质大学云顶国际。主要从事二语习得、外语教学研究;曾发表论文30余篇,其中CSSCI期刊两篇,参编教材两部,主持省级科研项目六项;曾获外研社“教学之星”微课大赛复赛一等奖、云顶国际青年教师讲课比赛一等奖;指导员工获全国大学英语竞赛特等奖;主讲“大学基础英语”、“学科英语”、“商务英语视听说”等课程。
Liu Shan
Associate Professor of English Language
Email: susanliu212@126.com
Liu Shan, Master of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Director of Research office of CE Education and Reform(2); with both B.A. and M.A. from China University of Geosciences. Research fields include SLA and TEFL; Publications include two textbooks and 30 research papers, with two in CSSCI journals; responsible for 6 provincial research projects; 1st prize winner of National Micro-lesson Contest and Teaching Contest of School of Foreign Languages; supervisor of outstanding winner of National English Competition; professor of “College English”, “Academic English” and “Business English: Viewing, Listening and Speaking”.